

Delivered with experience

Leemark Fire Protection supplies, installs and maintains a comprehensive range of fire protection systems to safeguard your critical assets.

Automatic Sprinkler Systems

Leemark Fire Protection are specialists in fire sprinkler design, install, and certify a range of automatic fire sprinkler systems.

Fire Hydrant and Hose Reel Systems

Leemark Fire Protection has a range of fire hose reels and mounting options. Depending on the building, a fire hose reel might be installed as part of the hydrant system, the sprinkler system or feed from the domestic water supply system.

Fire Pumps and Tanks

Fire pumps are an essential component in fire sprinklers systems. By providing adequate pressure, systems can ensure a consistent and efficient water flow.

Special Hazard Systems

Special hazard fire protection systems use suppression agents that can be actuated faster than other systems.  Our trained, qualified personnel can design, install, service and repair special hazard systems tailored your needs.

Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

A building occupant warning system, commonly referred to as a fire alarm system, is an essential part of any automatic fire protection system. Leemark Fire Protection can supply a range of leading brands of fire alarm systems, fire indicator panels, mimic panels, and a full range of fire detection systems.

Fire Extinguishers

Leemark will select and install the correct fire extinguishers that comply with Australian Standards to help protect your assets.

Tailored for you

Specialty Products

Leemark Fire Protection works with a range of subcontractors to ensure the smooth integration of specialty fire protection products into your buildings.

These specialty products include:

  • Fire curtains
  • Fire cannons
  • Gaseous suppression systems
  • Water suppression systems
  • Foam suppression systems
  • Detection systems
  • Dry chemical systems
Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

In April 2016 Leemark Fire Protection successfully obtained Certification with DLCS International for our Occupational Health & Safety Management System, Environmental Management System and our Quality Management System.

We have been assessed and registered as complying with AS/NZS 45001:2018 – Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements. We have been assessed and registered as complying with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use.

We have been assessed and registered as complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 – Quality management systems – Requirements. These management systems assist us in delivering best practices in the fire protection industry ensuring Client satisfaction and state of the art fire protection systems.


Built on trust.